Diamonds Are Forever

June 3, 2018

Summit of the Grand Teton
It was just over two years ago that Laura and I met for the first time. Over a cup of coffee, we chatted about mountains, past and future adventures and generally had a good time. I told her of my plan to climb the Grand Teton with two friends in June of 2016 and I guess that is what got me a second date! As the cards fell, we ended up free soloing Army Route in Colorado Springs together on Memorial Day in 2016. I had a BBQ at my house afterward and she decided to show up and hang out. From then on, we hung out every day and always had an amazing time together.
Mount Rainier, WA
Adventures in Ecuador to Switzerland to Patagonia Chile and more, we learned a lot about each other and spent probably 50 or more nights in a tent together; now that's saying something!

As time passed I realized that Laura was amazing in more ways than I thought a woman could be. She truly loved me and put me first every single day. Making me happy was a priority.

After talking with her father and designing a ring, I had finally decided that this weekend was the time. I asked if we could go climbing at Eleven Mile Canyon since that is where we went for our first real day hanging out together.
Climbing two easy routes, I was struggling and Laura knew something was up. I asked if we could go sit by the river as we did years ago. She agreed and we walked to the river and found a shady spot to sit. On the rock, holding hands, Laura looks at me and says, "What's up? You're being weird." I sat there for a few minutes before turning on both knees and telling her that there is no single person in this world that I would rather have by my side forever than her. Pulling the ring from my coat pocket, I asked if she would marry me. "Of course", she says! I slip the ring on her finger and together we begin what will be the adventure of a lifetime!

Cayambe, Ecuador
Mtn Biking, Woodland Park, CO

Teotihuacan, Mexico
Matterhorn, Switzerland
Skiing at Copper Mountain, CO

Orizaba, Mexico

Donkey Racing in Idaho Springs, CO

Snowy Mountains, WY

Cannon Beach, OR

Having fun in CA

Lincoln Falls, CO
Torres Del Paine, Patagonia, Chile

1 comment:

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