Quandary Peak North Couloir

May 6, 2018
Quandary Peak North Couloir aka Quandary Couloir

It was in Patagonia 6 months ago that Laura and I met Ryan while riding a bus to Torres del Paine. We hit it off talking about mountains and routes that we have done and decided that we should get together for a climb in the spring. Ryan is planning to go to Mt. Baker soon so a snow climb seemed to be the correct decision to help him gain some experience and confidence on the slippery terrain. After several phone conversations, we chose a fun couloir that is about 35 – 40 degrees steep and gains around 3,000’ in one snow line and ending at the summit of the Colorado 14er at 14,265’.
Climbing at Garden of the Gods Saturday, Laura and I showed Ryan a few of the classics; Montezuma’s Tower and New Era. We met up with some other friends and ended up at a brewery to fuel up for the next day’s climb.


3:30 am and the alarm is sounding so we all get rolling and are driving west by 4 am. With a stop for breakfast, we made the trailhead at 5:45 and were hiking by 6 am.
Along the snow covered McCulloch Gulch road we went for 2 miles before reaching the turnoff into the woods. We tried to keep a slow and steady pace all day, knowing Ryan lives near sea level and would be feeling the effects of elevation. After an hour of hiking we spotted our snow line for the day and made a diagonal up to the base rather than traversing low and crossing around the lake at the bottom. Snow conditions were good and the sun was shining. We knew that it would be a tough day with a lot of elevation gain but also knew that keeping spirits high was super important. Up we continued. Ryan had never experienced anything like this before and was amazed at the steepness, exposure and awesomeness of the climb. Fully motivated and working hard for hours, we summited around 12:45. We relaxed and ate for a bit before tying on trash bags for glissading. The day was warm and the sun shining, so the snow was pretty soft to glissade on but we did get in a few short ones, saving our legs from having to walk the entire distance down the standard east slopes of the mountain. When we reached tree line, Ryan learned what post holing is. Falling into the snow up to your thighs every step is extremely tiring and frustrating. At times we even resorted to crawling because the post holing was too much to bear! The long walk down ended us at the car around 3:00 pm as we relaxed and celebrated our friends first Colorado 14er with a beer!


  1. Sounds like a great trip guys. Very tough with that much snow.

    Rick Stull

    1. Rick Stull!!! I heard that guy was one of the best climbers in the world at one time!! He and his buddy Ben Reed did a first ascent of Mt. Sherman!!


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