Mt. Elbert - Hazel's first 14er

June 29, 2024
Mt. Elbert 14,438'

Hazel's first 14er

Our friends Mareshah and Joe were set to hike Mt. Elbert for an event called Cops On Top. It's simply a day that the organization tries to get people to state highpoints to remember the officers lost in the field of duty. Since Mareshah is a cop and I have many other friends and family who are as well, I thought it would be excellent to support the cause and climb for those who we have lost. 

I asked Laura if she thought Hazel could climb and in agreement, we asked Hazel if she wanted to go to the Colorado highpoint. She responded yes and what followed was a conversation about how it was going to be hard but that we knew she could do it because she is so strong and amazing. She'd also have others there to celebrate her individual accomplishment as she loved so much when crossing the finish line at her first 5k run.

Sunday morning we all woke at 3 am and made the two hour drive to the Mt. Elbert trailhead. We were hiking the NE Slopes route. The route is 11.5 miles round trip and just over 4,000 feet of elevation gain from the start to the summit. 

I carried Hazel's carrier backpack, understanding that this would be an incredibly long and difficult day for any kid, let alone Hazel, who had just turned 4 less than a month ago. We started hiking the trail a few hours ahead of Joe and Mareshah and progressed nicely. Hazel was excited, and once she got into a rhythm, she ticked off the many steps per mile without any complaints. 

We'd stop often to eat and drink, talk to some other hikers and generally look out at Twin Lakes in the distance below. Hazel stayed positive as her energy levels went up and down throughout the morning and the wind, rain and cold came and went. She wore my down jacket and Laura's rain jacket at one time since she was cold, but she always continued on. She even passed one group of girls who were very impressed at her speed, stamina and determination. 

About one mile from the summit, Mareshah and Joe caught up to us. It was perfect timing since we did not want to slow the rest of the group down. Hazel began to complain about her feet hurting, but with a kit kat candy bar in hand, Joe and I learned that they had "special foot healing medicine" in them! I couldn't believe it, but after eating the candy with the special medicine, Hazel blasted to the summit without any complaint. It took us just 5 hours to reach the summit and Hazel was standing on her first 14er and the tallest mountain in Colorado. 

We are so proud of this little girl for her determination, funny jokes along the trail, laughs, smiles and positive attitude. She did amazing and I hope it was a great experience for her. 

After celebrating on the summit for a while, Hazel asked to be carried down in her backpack. Understandably, she was exhausted and so Laura and I agreed that since she walked every step up, that we would carry her down. 6 miles is a long way for any 4 year old, let alone being at altitude and gaining 4,000'. She slept for half of the descent and was recovered and ready to go again by the time we reached the cars at the trailhead. 

We're proud of you and we love you Hazel!

This happened to be Maresha's 100th 14er summit and Hazel's 1st.

Mt. Elbert - Hazel's first 14er

June 29, 2024 Mt. Elbert 14,438' Hazel's first 14er Our friends Mareshah and Joe were set to hike Mt. Elbert for an event called Cop...

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